The American Society of Safety Engineers Kansas-Wichita Chapter was chartered November 21, 1944.
The first organization meeting of the Kansas Safety Professionals took place on March 8, 1943, at the Spanish Ballroom of the Lassen Hotel. Temporary officers were appointed with a task force designated to develop a constitution and by-laws to be submitted for the Chapter.
On November 21, 1944, this organization received its charter designating it as the Kansas-Wichita Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers. Since that date, the Chapter has sought to fulfill its chartered purpose of “advancing the safety profession, its professional well-being and development of its members…within its assigned Kansas geographical service area,” through meaningful safety programs and projects.
The Kansas-Wichita Chapter and the American Society of Safety Engineers are registered “not-for-profit” professional society organizations in conformance with IRS Code Section 501C (6). Chapter identification number is 36-2413556.
The Kansas-Wichita Chapter of American Society of Safety Engineers has been designated as a Region V Chapter of the Society. Its geographical service area covers approximately 3/4 of the State of Kansas and it is defined in the by-laws as:
“That area bounded on the East by the Western edge of counties which encompass US Highway 75, namely Nemaha, Jackson, Shawnee, Osage, Coffey, Woodson, Wilson and Montgomery Counties; Nebraska state line on the North, Colorado state line on the West, and the Oklahoma state line to the South.”
Since 1944, the Kansas-Wichita Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers has met monthly, with the traditional exception of June, July, and August. The Chapter has also promoted continued education and professional development by sponsoring a minimum of one (occasionally two) professional seminars annually.
The American Society of Safety Professionals will be positioned to provide international leadership of the safety professional and will be recognized as the leading Society serving the diverse needs of safety, health and environmental professionals.
Mission Statement
The mission of the American Society of Safety Professionals shall be to enhance the status and promote the advancement of all safety disciplines, foster the technical, scientific, and managerial knowledge and skills of all safety and health professionals, and support the technical, social and economic well-being of all safety practitioners for the protection of people, property, and the environment.
Professional Development
I. GOAL: Plan, develop, and direct professional development opportunities and activities for members to achieve excellence in the field of safety.
Professional Development Conference
Objective: To provide forums for the interchange and acquisition of professional knowledge.
- At least one chapter professional development conference or seminar shall be held annually and shall be of the highest professional standard.
- A Professional Development Committee shall be formed to assist the President in carrying out this responsibility.
- The annual Professional Development Conference shall be planned as a high quality educational resource and be promoted heavily to achieve and annual net revenue to the Wichita Chapter.
- Vendor exhibits can be subject to be a part of the conference.
Other Continuing Education Programs
Objective: To develop and promote educational programs for obtaining the knowledge and skills required to perform the functions of the Safety Professional.
- The Chapter shall create or join with another similar organization and establish a speakers bureau to identify and utilize professional quality speakers for chapter meetings and seminars.
- The Professional Development Committee shall organize and promote a study course and study guides for the BCSP examinations.
II. GOAL: To develop and maintain programs to enhance membership retention and growth.
Membership Growth and Retention
Objective: Grow in both numbers and quality of membership, as a basis of expanded services to members, the Executive Board shall be responsible for increasing membership, within the chapter, by 17% over a three year period.
- Use the Kansas Safety and Health Conference and other appropriate mailing lists to solicit for prospective members.
- Establish an annual membership campaign and provide awards and recognition for top sponsors of new members.
- Distribute membership applications and brochures to local colleges and universities upon request and the Kansas Safety and Health Conference.
Image Enhancement
III. GOAL: To communicate the philosophies, goals and actions of the Society to its members, prospective members, employers, government and general public in a truthful, concise and accurate manner.
Public Relations and Publicity
Objective: Establish and enhance ASSP’s image among its members, government and the business community.
- Utilize and increase press releases to publicize Society matters.
- Sponsor and promote the annual National Safety in the Workplace Week.
- Develop and provide the objective inputs and maintain relations between ASSP, government agencies, standards making organizations and agencies, standards making organizations and other societies in order to enhance the status of the safety profession and the practitioner.
Professional Recognition
Objective: Recognize members for outstanding contributions to ASSP and to the safety profession.
- Participate in the various individual award programs sponsored by ASSP and publicize.
- Develop and implement new chapter award programs such as Safety Speaker of the Year and Safety Instructor of the Year.
- Highlight, in the newsletter, a Chapter Safety Professional of the Month.
Inter-Society and Professional Relations
Objective: To meet with associations, organizations and societies for the purpose of reaching inter-organizational agreement on issues affecting the growth and development of the safety profession.
- Establish an annual meeting with AIHA, Occupational Health Nurses, Fire Departments and Civil Preparedness to discuss areas of common interest and discussion of possible joint meetings.
- Maintain and cultivate contacts with officers and staff of other safety, fire and health related organizations.
Standards Development and Governmental Affairs
Objective: To enhance ASSP’s role as a technical organization and have a direct impact on safety standards. Provide input to governmental agencies on safety and health regulations.
- Supply ASSP representative on any State, Local, Official Ad Hoc committee or standing committee for technical safety input.
- Publish and supply to the membership a review and synopsis of new standards and legislation. This can be included in the newsletter.
- Monitor Federal and State regulatory agencies, programs and activities. Attend hearings and programs as budget permits. Take a Society position on proposed regulations or public issues as deemed necessary.
- Form special committees or task force to respond to proposed legislation affecting the safety profession.
- Attend legislative hearings on matters of public and industrial safety and possibly develop position papers on pending legislation.
Professional Standards and Qualifications for Membership at Large
IV. GOAL: To establish, promote and maintain standards, qualifications and philosophies for practitioners engaged in the professional safety discipline.
Development of Safety Curricula and Members Standards
Objective: To establish and maintain standards for the Safety Profession.
- Assist in the development and instruction of safety curricula in colleges and universities offering engineering degree programs.
- Offer at least one scholarship to a qualified student on the study of safety or closely related field.
- Promote and support degree programs developed in cooperation with ASSP.
- Cooperate and promote projects with the Board of CSP to encourage the membership to become certified.
Supporting and Promoting National ASSP Programs and Purposes
V. GOAL: To take care to function as a chapter within National by-laws and guidelines and in the intention of it’s purpose.
- Offer financial assistance to chapter assembly delegates to encourage attendance at PDC.
- Offer financial assistance to the chapter vice-president to attend the annual Leadership Conference.
- Appoint a chairman of the Foundation to offer information and encouragement to support the Foundation.